Our Team

Picure of Tracey D. Corta, CPA/PFS

Tracey D. Corta, CPA/PFS

Investment Advisor Representative

Tracey joined Jordan Wealth Management in July 2004 as an investment advisor representative. He is a Certified Public Accountant and is an accredited Personal Financial Specialist. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, where he also belongs to the Personal Financial Planning Section, and he is a member of the Idaho Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Tracey uses his lengthy experience and expertise in business consulting, tax, and planning to assist a wide variety of clients through all phases of their financial lives. He enjoys designing and building customized investment plans specific to the clients’ unique circumstances and needs, helping them structure their situation to best protect and retain their financial assets, and guiding them toward their goals.

When not helping clients, Tracey enjoys quality time with his family and a variety of outdoor activities. Sports have always been a big part of his life and he dedicates a significant amount of time to coaching high school basketball and football.